Lost keys or keys locked in vehicle will require gaining access by means of picking the lock to open or to obtain key number with. Proof of ownership of the vehicle may be asked for before entry is gained.
New keys can now be cut, or if the keys have been stolen it would be good practice to replace the locks on the vehicle. Generally, on newer vehicles there will be only 2 locks to change, the ignition barrel and the door barrel, on keyless vehicles there only may be 1 door lock to replace. Please see key pricing or call for lockset prices on your vehicle.
Using the very latest, Ford diagnostic equipment. Along with the relevant accreditations to perform these tasks. If keys have been stolen and you choose not to replace the lock set but require the lost keys deleted, then a minimum of 2 keys must be programmed to the vehicle. If more than 1 key is purchased a discount on the second key will be given.
Providing a mobile service within the SS postcode area.
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